Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Blood Storm - Ancient Wraith of KU

Just what is a KU and what stirs it's ancient wrath you may ask??

"The Ku are those entities that have died violent deaths. The Ku's hieroglyphs have many meanings, the foremost of which is Black Magick. As an ideograph, the Ku is at least 3,000 years old, and the cult enshrines a system analogous to the voodoo mysteries of the 256 venoms used obstensively for acquiring great wealth and for vengeance. The basic concept is preserved in the Yi king where it appears as the 18th hexagram. Now the two elemental trigrams that comprise the hexagram are those of Earth and Air. Now the superpositioning of the Earth trigram above that of the Air suggests suffocation or choking, and the spirit/entity of the Ku are the vehicles of the Ophidian venoms which devour or suffocate the living on Earth in violent deaths. That whole thing of Ophidian venoms devouring is the 256 venoms, that's their virus, yo see its another stage of virus through occultism. In popular belief the Ku is a malignant honer of the dark and snatches souls from the dead. The Ku is in connection to the cult of the black snake, also known as the mystery of zombieism, which is like Haitian voodoo. Hence the sorcerer extracts the venoms from the Ophidian current and manifests from its extraterrestrial origin to descend and eat the brains of men. So that's the virus it's transmitting. That's a basic structure of what the Ku actually is."

So there

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