Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ornaments of Agony - Zowlongiyn Ugalz

Mongolian funeral doomed...incompetently played with intriguing aesthetic choices. Yes, this isn't just mongoloid but actually Mongolian, authentic. Found out about this one-man droning mess from the Obscuro! blog, which is awesome. Download that guys podcasts, they are worth their weight in gold...he even cites me as a resource for incredibly strange metal which is high praise!!


  1. Awesome, thanks for the shout-out! I must say, I get a good deal of stuff from here for the weekly metal radio program I do. Was gonna say, too, if you lost anything when your account closed, I've got a good deal of it downloaded.

  2. Thanks alot man, I appreciate it. I've backed up my stuff..saw the writing on the wall with all that mf business.
