Monday, February 20, 2012

ALF Projekt - Melmac Rock

You had your brain blown by RALF Projekt, now how bout a little ALF Projekt?!!...maaaan that Gordon Shumway could blow, but we all know he was just trying to impress that nosy bitch Raquel.


  1. cool ,man I posted the cardboard record (from a cereal box!) of this on my blog a few years ago ,got lots of dl's thanks G O D

  2. Yes indeed! That's where I nabbed it from actually...Love your blog, been diggin' on a lot of the stuff you post up there. Couldn't resist this ALF song haha.

  3. Thanks ,man but if you could link to my site if you post stuff from my blog ,thanks!

  4. Glorify The Turd blog has all the Joe Aufricht tapes,did you get that from his site?

  5. Sure no prob, it'd be my pleasure...Definitely got that Joe Aufricht from Glorify The Turd. For some of these random posts its stuff thats been on my HD for a while and it's like where the fuck did you come from? But yeah, that guy has a pretty interesting blog going...lot's of El Duce as I recall.
